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Club History

Dalkeith Tennis Club was established in 1938 in its present location on Beatrice Road, Dalkeith. The club house was also constructed in this year and the original club house was officially opened later in the year, October 1938.


In a letter written by Mr Jack Colpus, age 83 in Oct 2004 to the then Dalkeith Tennis Club President.... "It started for me early in 1938 when I saw a notice on a window shop of Elhers' store on the corner or Waratah Ave. & Roberts rd., stating that a meeting was to be held at the Baptist Hall nearby, regarding the formation of a tennis club. At age 17, I was the youngest single person to attend, with the majority, young married couples. It was decided there and then, to take over from the Nedlands Road Board, the expired lease of six tennis courts, previously held by the Postal Institute."


The letter goes on to describe, amongst other things, the transformation of the club house from an "open sided palm frond covered shelter"  to a brick and tiled structure that laid the foundations to the club house we see today. Fascinating letter......written by Mr Colpus who also attended our 75th celebrations in 2013.......... download the full letter here.

Back row: Sylvia Lunnon, Eric Harrison, Roy Sanders, Paddy Sadlier, Hugh Sedgeman, Jack Heath, Phil Allanson, Colin Cadd, S. Sanders

Front row: Jack Colpus, Jack Tregoweth, Joyce Lunnon, Mrs Brighton, Mrs Riley, Mr Peterkin, Mr Morrow, Arthur Schupp (Captain), Alan Bennett (President) Mrs Brighton, J, Ridley, W Ridgley

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